Setting a CAN frame byte with a text gauge value

Hi, has anyone tried setting a CAN frame byte value using the value set in a text gauge?

I’m looking to set the position of a servo motor using a text gauge that displays the current value set by a slider.

I have the following defined in my XML file and I’m trying to find a way of setting the byte value for “ecobeast CAN, Aero Manual Front” by taking the current value set by the slider. I’ve tried different combinations of actions and triggers but I don’t know how to take the displayed value in the gauge to set the byte value. Is this something that is possible using ‘set value (formula)’?


This is done automatically. When the value that has been declared in XML changes in RealDash, the corresponding CAN frame is written back to connected device.

Thanks for the prompt response.

Can I just clarify, does that mean I don’t need a trigger and action and it should be just a case of setting the input of the text gauge to the name assigned to the frame bytes defined in the XML?

I’ve tried tried it with no triggers i.e. just the input set to the name defined in the XML and also with a value changed trigger and a set value action but I’m not seeing a 0x509 frame on the bus.

FYI I’m using realdash V2.1.8 on windows with a seeedstudio CAN analyzer. So far I’ve not had any issues reading CAN frames or setting static frame bytes using the send frame action. This is the first time I’ve tried sending a dynamic byte value.


Frame is sent if value changes. Be it an action or something else that changes the value.

There is also an option in XML to constantly write the frame into connected device. For example:

<frame id="3200" writeInterval="1000">

That would instruct RealDash to write that CAN frame on 1000ms intervals.

I had a go adding the write interval to the frame description and I can now see the frame on the bus but all the byte values are 00 even while I’m updating the value in the text gauge via the slider.

I’ve probably missed something simple. I’ll keep trying.


Interesting! I loaded the .rd and the xml file onto my android device and it just worked. I obviously have some issue with my windows setup?


Hard to say what could be the problem. The CAN codebase is 1:1 identical on all supported platforms.

Hi, while digging around trying to work out why its a problem for me on windows, i noticed if I remove entries from my custom xml description file I can still see those old entries available in realdash when a go to change an input. I’ve change the file name and setup the connection again but I still see the old entries within realdash. Is there some way to force a refresh?


Go to Settings->Units & Values->Imported Values and remove any unused values. You can long touch to select all. Any value from XML are re-imported on next connection.

Cool! Thanks for your support.