SOLVED: Had to downgrade RealDash!

Hi, o had to downgrade RealDash to 2.0.53 to resolve the problem with CarPlay scaling and portrait orientation that i am facing since 2.0.6 version… now my beloved Dashboard that was saved in the last version (2.2.0) Will not open and crashes the App itself… cloud i send to you the RD file to make a 2.0.53 compatible file?! Or, i know that is ask to much to make a side last version without that portrait option implemented no 2.0.6. I have a jailbroken iPhone so you dont need to publish that app version in appstore, a deb or ipa file will be good enough!

It is difficult to take a way features that has been put out already. We would probably make more people angry than happy. And we do not have resources to build single custom versions of the RealDash to any other than our manufacturer customers.

And about make my RD dash file compatible with 2.0.53 version, is it possible?!

Very difficult to downgrade.

Thanks anyway!

No need to thank, as I did not do anything for you.

This is not a promise, but I will discuss internally if we revert the portrait mode from iOS version. We do not have any dashboards that support it and seems like don’t have resources to update them any time soon.

I would be grateful! Since that feature that I never could use RealDash on CarPlay, with stretched image on 10,25” I could live but with portrait orientation it’s impossible to work with… many thanks. Believe me that RealDash with CarPlay is the most practical and satisfying way to use the car head unit with your app.

Jenny! after a long time with many tryouts and errors I had solved all my problems with a jailbreak tweak called “BetterMultitasking” mento only for IPADS but installed on my iPhone made some miracle!!! this tweak make an iPhone app take native resolution of iPads display! And your app now thinks my iPhone are an iPad! It will turn to portrait view when never this should happen! With no bugs!!! And in landscape position all works as it should in CarPlay! I’m so happy now!!! Forget all the things about messing with iPad portrait view in app, I believe now that is that option with that specific tweak that all are working now! I will post photos to show the miracle!!!

Alright, happy to hear that you found a workaround :smiley: