SOLVED: Segfault at startup on Debian 11 Bullseye / Intel NUC


Previously I was designing my dash using RD 2.0.5-1 in Debian 11-stable on a Lenovo laptop with no problems. After a long break I’ve installed 2.1.9-1. I had to upgrade the OS to Deb 11-testing to resolve dependency issues before RD would install and run but it now does so perfectly. I was surprised and delighted that otherwise the big jump in RD versions caused me no problems. Impressive.

I have now installed to an Intel NUC (basically conventional laptop hardware in a small box) which will be installed in my vehicle. Same OS and same version of RD. It segfaults at startup after the white startup screen and before the RD logo displays. Below is what is seen when starting from a user console. Below that for comparison is the same from the working system. One (perhaps significant?) difference between the two systems is that the NUC exposes GPIO and it seems that it is around the time that RD checks for GPIO access that the crash occurs…

The desktop is KDE/plasma on both systems. What other info can I provide to help you help me?

Thank you.

aabill@qtmnuc:~$ realdash
16:12:50.283 os_linux.cpp(395)(tid:0x19488c42) : NUTS_INFO -
16:12:50.342 renderer_opengles.cpp(328)(tid:0x00000000) : NUTS_INFO - OpenGL ES version : OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 22.3.2, Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 605 (GLK 3)
16:12:50.392 os_linux.cpp(114)(tid:0x00000000) : NUTS_ERROR - dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block: The name org.xfce.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files
16:12:50.399 gpio.cpp(321)(tid:0x00000000) : NUTS_INFO - GPIO is not available
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify was not provided by any .service files
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify was not provided by any .service files
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify was not provided by any .service files
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

16:34:04.034 os_linux.cpp(395)(tid:0x25ac9231) : NUTS_INFO - 
16:34:04.076 renderer_opengles.cpp(328)(tid:0x00000000) : NUTS_INFO - OpenGL ES version : OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 22.3.2, Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics (TGL GT1)
16:34:04.110 os_linux.cpp(114)(tid:0x00000000) : NUTS_ERROR - dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block: The name org.xfce.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files
16:34:04.115 gpio.cpp(321)(tid:0x00000000) : NUTS_INFO - GPIO is not available

Try to find the core dump file and sent to

Meanwhile I will order an Intel NUC to test ourselves. What is the exact model of the hardware?

Many thanks for prompt response.

Will do immediately.

My NUC is NUC7PJYH. Without RAM and SSD it cost GBP 120. Beware some Amazon vendors selling at exaggerated prices.


Core dump sent…

Thanks, investigating. Meanwhile, do you have an option to experiment with different distro? We use xubuntu for desktop development and building the installation packages.

I’m happy to do that. There’s a couple of things I want to try here first including replacing KDE with Xfce but if that doesn’t help then I’ll redo from scratch with xubuntu. Give me an hour(ish)…

Installed Xfce, rebooted, switched to Xfce at login screen, problem gone. When I log out and specify Plasma DE at login, realdash segfaults as before. When I log out and choose Xfce at login, realdash starts and runs with no issues (so far - not exhaustively tested yet).

It looks stunning on my sunlight readable 12" x 5" (1920 x 720) display - I’m a very happy bunny.

Many many thanks and if you intend nevertheless to debug with KDE and I can help in any way please say.

Kind regards
Bill A.

Happy to hear you made progress! I already installed the KDE environment and will fix if I find anything wrong there.

Edit, I found the reason for the crash on KDE. Fix will be in RealDash 2.2.0.

Excellent - I think I’m probably not alone in finding KDE “nicer”