Song name (turn a round)

Hi Jani,

I found that to show song name in ( song name text gauge) while using spotify i have to open settings>users> select google player instead of spotify then songs name appear.

Song name already appear in the notifications gauge please see attached.

Any idea?


  • First, go to the Spotify settings and enable ‘Device Broadcast Status’.
  • Then enable the ‘Notification Access’ for RealDash in Android Settings.
  • Lastly in RealDash Settings->User->Music Player’ select 'Spotify.

Now you will get music info from Spotify to RealDash, including the album art. This functionality requires Android API level 23 or newer.

Thanks Jani, i am already enable spotify option and give realdash notification access.

I have to change it to google player first before it reads the song name :grinning:.


Any idea how to enable Poweramp? Realdash player is allowing me to choose a music folder but not Poweramp.

Have you tried if the music player ‘Poweramp’ setting in ‘Settings->Other->Music Player’

Edit: just tested and Poweramp setting works on my 3 Android test devices.

I found a problem that if music player is started after the RealDash, the music tracking may not start. This is fixed on 1.8.9-beta2. Don’t know if this has been the reason for music tracking issues you have been experiencing, but its worth a try.

Thanks i will give a try and update.

Couldn’t locate Settings->Other->Music Player in Poweramp settings. Pls guide me.

Settings-> other… This is in Realdash not poweramp.

My bad, its in ‘User’, so ‘Settings->User->Music Player-> Poweramp’

Yes :smiley:

Oh you meant within Realdash. When I choose Poweramp it is not playing music, neither is it allowing me to choose the music folder, just like we can choose folder while using real dash music player.

You need to have Poweramp running on the background when this option is on. The Poweramp app controls your playlist, so there is no option in RealDash to choose the songs folder.

Got it!

It works Jani :+1:t3:

Allright, thanks for testing! Will probably publish this tomorrow.


This issue starts to happen again.


Ok, will take a look.