Streaming data into or from Real dash

Is it possible to stream data into Real dash or have Real Dash stream CAN data as an output?

For example:
If I have a custom program reading a CAN analyzer on the obd port. That program would read the data and do it calculations while also forwarding the message to Real Dash.

Or Real Dash reads the analyzer and then forwards the CAN messages out on a port of some type to a listening program.

RealDash can send out the data via Data Multicasting or with Live Data Streaming. Either of those use raw CAN packages though.

Could you be more specific what would be a use-case of RealDash relaying CAN data from A to B?

+1 here. I would like to run a program in parallel to RealDash that can periodically send polling messages on CAN, rx some messages on CAN and perform some math/state/storage that we cant expect RealDash to do, and the provide the results to RealDash to display - ideally in some direct fashion rather than putting more messages on can bus (and some devices do not let a tx msg sent by client 1 (my program) to be seen by client 2 (RealDash). I have ReadDash on a SurfacePro Win10 with CAN-USB analyser working for basic RealDash xml decode on CAN messages.

Yes this is possible… With the other messages I’ve sent to Jani, you can do this.
You would multicast all the values you want from RD to the outside program via a tcp client server connection.
This will allow you to receive and send data to RD.

I have gotten this to work but I am running into issues converting some of the data from RD.
I am waiting for the RD team to get back from vacation to answer the questions

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Very interested to see how this works for you and would love to see a simple example setup in python or c++ or… Now from above it seems like RD does the multicasting. Would that be all CAN messages (thinking of loading issues on a busy CANbus), or just the ones setup in the xml file? My external program would listen mostly for messages that are NOT defined in the xml (so would rely on RD multicasting every CAN msg), then would turn around and send new messages to RD, now over the network, not adding any more load to the CAN bus,