Support for AEM Infinity trough OTG

Hello and greetings! I would be eager to hear about people using Realdash with AEM Infinity ECUs. I have read the threads involving AEM products, but there has never been a clear answer to whether it works or not. My unit is AEM infinity 10 (710), where I would love to use Realdash. I am comfortable with Arduino IDE, but advice on creating the XML would be welcome. I have access to the CAN-bus data of AEMNet.

AEM Infinity is supported over CAN. Use one of the supported CAN adapters:

RealDash | Manuals | Supported CAN/LIN Adapters

I use it with my Infinity 508 in a GT-Lite roadrace car. It works well. I originally used it with the Seeedstudio CAN Analyzer over USB, but just switched to the MeatPi CAN Adapter so I could eliminate the USB cable and use a Bluetooth/Wireless connection. It works well with AEMNet, and you can use the XML file from the GitHub repository

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