Supported baud rates

Hi RealDash Team,
this is my first post and I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you for the great product your developed!
Here is my question:
I’m using the “RealDash_CAN” on an Arduino Nano with a HC-06 Bluetooth module.
By default the HC-06 is configured with a baud rate of 9600. This is working and the connection to the Android realdash app is fine.
Now I changed the baud rate of the HC-06 to 115200 and adapted the arduino sketch as well. I can see my data in the serial monitor, but in realdash app nothing receives.
115200 is the baud rate out of your example (RealDash_CAN example), so I expecting that it is supported?
What are the supported baud rates of RealDash app for the “RealDash_CAN” protocol?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Kind regards