The problem with the custom intro images

The full version. The problem occurred recently, on all devices at once. The screensaver disappeared, when adding a screensaver file (pictures or gif, video) when exiting the program, it runs with the selected files once. If you exit the program and log in again, the screensaver disappears. The list of files in the menu is empty.What could be the problem?Skip the screensaver and disable the animation of course is not installed.

I’m sorry, but I do not know what screensaver you mean. Are you talking about custom intro images?

Yes, custom intro.

Ok, will check for next release. Is this happening on Android, Windows, iOS or Linux?


On first tests I’m unable to reproduce this problem. Couple of extra questions:

  • Does the default intro appear instead of your custom images?
  • Do you use cloud services to import the intro files, or are they local to your device?

Everything worked in the new version of the application, thank you


I am experiencing this issue as well;
Android v2.3.9
I am using a onedrive location to import files from
I have also copied the files to the local storage (pictures folder)

I add two files one mp4 and one JPG
When i resert the application the custom intro files are shown
If i then close the application and re open the default intro appears instead
I then go to the application setting and both of the files are no longer in the custom intro images list.

I have a screen recording (43MB) if you would like to see it?


Yes please, send a link to

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I have shared the link, should be on my Google drive

I think we sorted this out. Thank you for your help, appreciated!

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