This PNG does not scale right

Hi Jani,

This Button frame does not scale, not sure why.

Buttons use by default a scaling system called 9-slice scaling. 9-slice scaling allows nicer looking edges on images when scaled out of proportion. You can set the 9-slice percentage to 0 on Fook & Feel->Special->Button

Thanks Jani, that worked.

Now about Shadows, it will be nice if this applied to text only and not the whole image and text. or have option for text and image and apply both if checked.


But this is not natural! If the shadow falls, then it falls on all objects))) :grin::grin::grin:

In that case, I recommend that you use another text gauge on top of the button. You will lose the ‘pressed down scale’ on a text though.

I think the idea is the frame already has depth and shadow like the button in above, but just like to give the text a bit of depth, I can do that on my button that I created but now I have to have an image for every button with different text , button with no text is universal, and just need text with depth.

I think what he’s suggesting is to use your image as a button, then create a text gauge and put on top of it.

I’ve never tried this, but one problem I could see happening is since the text gauge is on top of the button, I’m not sure if the presses will go through the text gauge or not.

If they dont, you may want to add the button as a static image (fake button), and add a button with no graphic and 1 background opacity (cant do 0 or it doesn’t work. It will then just show your text and no button. Resize the box to be the same size as the button, and make sure it is on top of the button.

Don’t you think these are wild crutches for the shade?