Top menu area

Hi Jani
The top menu area is really a problem, it take some much space from screen, you have said the active area is only in the middle but it does not , it take the whole top %15 or so of the screen, on 24x9 screen if you zoom and have touch it will not work and so on, please check below as you see I can not have any the top.

it will be nice to have location and size for this menu to activate it, almost like when it edit mode and one hides it using the bars you have, or even a way to use triggers or steering input to bring up the menu.

I am open to anything just want a way around this.

Thanks Much.

To my opinion, it does not matter where the top menu is, its always in a way of something. You just have to design around it.

at least it could be small area, you have it in edit menu, because it is in fact in the way, just add option for small bar or large bar, that would be could for me, what happens in edit mode will be good enough.
