Toyota Proprietary PIDs (21xx) not working

I have spent some considerable time locating the appropriate codes and understanding appropriate bits for Toyota OEM codes (all start with 21) and have tried every conceivable permutation in the custom obd xml file to get these to propagate to RealDash, including using existing TargetId’s and adding new name, selecting units=text but nothing propagates to RealDash.

I am slowly coming to the conclusion RealDash is incapable of processing these codes? Any advice most welcome

I must have selected one of the harder PIDs to start from but pleased to report success on my Toyota FJ

Basically, I had PID 2125 responding with 7E8100961250000008000, which I initially thought was 0x10 bytes long, but eventually realised this was part of the address and there were 09 bytes. Solution in xml file was ecu=“7E810” plus adding ATAL in init section for bytes > 7 and I was able to extract the 0x80 (128) which gave me gear selector position where P=128, R=64, N=32, D=16 etc. which I allocated to an enum.

I also managed to extract Gear Selected and Torque Converter Lockup from 2185, and Transmission temperatures from two sensors at 2182.

Next challenge is injector pulse width and cruise control.

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As you are making good progress there, please consider sharing the ready XML file for all RealDash users.

Sharing my OBD2 xml for 2012 Toyota FJ Cruiser
toyota_fj_odb2.xml (4.4 KB)

Thanks! Will add to next release of RealDash.