Trigger condition: Value decreases, value increases

Greetings. Have a nice rest.
We have comparisons:
less than
more than
not equal
the value has changed.
Is it possible to add a comparison to this list:
value decreases
value increases

What would be the use-case that cannot be achieved with current ones?

When creating audible alarm events for the engine oil pressure sensor, in standard panels, manufacturers use the RPM value at which the oil pressure lamp will glow confidently if the pressure has dropped. For many, this value is around 2000 RPM.
And if there are some inaccuracies in the operation of the sensor at idle, then we will have a blinking lamp.
The focus of the smooth response helps with the lamp.
But the sound effect doesn’t want to work like that.
If you create a trigger that will turn on the sound effect when the RPM value is less than 2000 and at the signal of the pressure sensor, then the trigger does not work correctly and beeps every time the RPM increases. I think that tracking the code event the turnovers increase or decrease should fix this.

But such triggers are not straight forward. Decrease/increase how much? 0.0000001? So it is no longer a condition like others.

I still believe that the use case you describe can be made to work with existing triggers on combination of reset condition and cooldown.

Perhaps the message is not translated correctly or I am not correctly conveying the idea.
The point is not how much to increase or decrease.
The point is to have a vector of the process itself. If the value goes from less to more, then the “increase” event is triggered. If the arrow moves from more to less, it “goes down”.
What do you see in front of you when you release the accelerator pedal? If you describe it in one word, the RPM is “decreasing”. That’s what events should be about! Vector- Decreases. Vector- Increases.

As I understand it, it is not as straight forward. RPM and almost all automotive sensors have noise and values are constantly changing, some on very small fractions, some, like RPM on larger ones (going up and down tens of RPM constantly). To make a proper increasing/decreasing condition, it needs additional data; how much is the change, what is the tolerance of change, change over time T, etc.