Triggers work in background


I’ve scanned through posts so apologies if this has been asked before.

I have a ECUMaster Canbus steering wheel with rotary pots, Realdash reads the values from the rotary pots and transmits them to my ECU. These are Cal, ALS, Launch and Traction Control. Realdash is acting as a “translator” for the Can messages.

The transmission is based on a Trigger where if the value of the ECU is different to the Rotary pot then Set value of the transmit.

This also works until Realdash is in the background, e.g. for Satnav. (Using a Surface Pro + Win 11)

Is there a way to get triggers+actions to run when Realdash is in the background?

Currently triggers stop running when app is in background. This is due that main thread stops running when app is not active. I can take a look if I can somehow change that for a background thread.