Trip reset on every run

Hi, since the last update, I have the trip A and trip B that is reset to 0 every time I open the app.

I’m on an Android autoradio, I always open the app manually and close it with the back button every time I turn on and off the car.

Is that a known issue?

I have not received any other report of this problem on the latest version. Do you have an option to uninstall/reinstall to see if that fixes the problem?

I could uninstall/reinstall, but I did all the settings to match my needs in the car, that it will be such a waste of time redoing all… I’m sorry :frowning:
The trip was a very useful feature, but for now it’s not worth doing all that job, sorry :frowning:

You can export/import your settings in the Garage (top left ‘burger’ menu).

By the way, the latest version allows you to just kill the power and is still able to restore saved state on next boot. I also use RealDash on Joying Android autoradio daily and it works very well.

I will give some try and eventually let you know any news, thanks a lot.
Anyway, just because you mentioned you are using in an autoradio too, have you found any method to have Realdash run automatically every time you start the car? I have tried any option in the app, and any type of event with other app like MacroDroid and similar, but with no result :frowning:

I have not even tried. I just added RD to the main screen and tap it when needed :wink:

I have it fully implemented!
In addition, there are several ways to do this!
It is enough that the RD would hang in the “background”.
And it is called instantly by the events of the ignition key!
This is implemented via Arduino for $ 5! Cheaper than ELM327!

Could it be that you have not granted permission to your file system to work with RD?

It always worked with no issues until latest update, so no, it’s not a permission problem.

Check your permissions anyways. Sometimes a system update can reset them.

Ok, I’ve re-checked just to be sure, but it has the storage permission. I’ve also turned it off and on again, just to be sure.