Ultrawide versions of Bavarian and Benztown

The ultrawide versions of Bavarian Powerhouse and Benztown hammer premium dashboards are now available from RealDash gallery.

Great job.

Edit: Forum is English only.


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Love the look of the Bavarian Powerhouse dash. For some reason though none of the gauges on it react to my OBD LX connection.

If I swap to a different dash such as New Boss On The Block, it works fine. Swap back to Bavarian Powerhouse and still nothing?

I’m running RealDash on an Android 10 head unit

Thanks for reporting, will check if I can find anything wrong with it.

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Hi just wanted to say I tried the Bavarian dash again on a drive tonight and it worked fine. Sorry for the misinformation- I don’t know what happened last time but I can swap dashes and everything works as expected :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t3:

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