
I have been running 1.6.7, just received 1.7 - all items in containers no longer show up. All gone. Ideas?

Even worse on second laptop, it crashes whole laptop when try to launch

Ok, I think this is due the update on how gauges are activated/deactivated. Will check. I’m planning to push 1.7.1 very soon anyways.

Edit: found & fixed.


Thanks for prompt fix to this; It is unclear to me how to aquire the beta build. how do you force an update to realdash?

Just to be clear, I do not want to use Android, I need Windows build…

Microsoft does not offer a Beta program, so I’m unable to make a pre-release for it. But I hope to push the 1.7.1 out this Friday, and it will appear in Microsoft store after their review process.

this is really bad, need to have way to revert back to old rev.

Also the serial port does no work any more…, connects run for about 3 second and retries, never had this issue before, works on WIFI fine.

Please fix ASAP, I just can not have this be, things working and update that I do not need screws up everything.

Last two day have been disaster since nothing work, vent from 100% to 0.

I now the container issues has been fixed for next rev but now serial is also and issue. Please help.


A method to regress back to working build might be a good option. This was working well with last build, should be a way to regress…

You just need to backup Work applications!

You have spent 7 bucks for a mobile application, so if this is critical for you or your business the least you could do is to test the Beta releases and report any issues. The 1.7.0 Beta was out 10 days before the release so you had plenty of time to react to the problems. It does not matter if you mainly use Windows, check the Beta versions on Android because that is your view to the next release. Codebase is 99% same on all platforms.

Not sure what you are saying here? We back up our dashes regularly, what do you mean application? You mean Realdash application? How is that done?

Hi Yani,

I am sorry if I hurt your feeling, and some of these is not your fault as you may be limited for MS an updates, that being said, you know how frustrating might be waking up next day turn you dash on suddenly nothing works and there is nothing you can do, today I tried to use another pc with old version on it and could not open it because it need the latest version.

I do not always check forum so do not always know there is a beta to be tested and I use window for most of my work and run android for my car dash.

People on this forum help to make your product better, some times the criticism may be harsh but believe me on my side it is all in good faith and I am sure others feel the same and we do this for free we are your best testers at no charge, I have bought almost all you dashes even though I do not use them, I want you to be successful at this as i and other are here because they like your product and I personally think it is the best one out there, I go to car shows and show dashed to others all the time, so I am not your only customer I help to bring new customer to you.

As far as the price goes, it is not about the $7 I will more pay if you want, it is about people trusting you with cars and other places they use this and you getting that trust, and to be honest here you are doing Damn good job I know how hard it to do software and make changes without masing thing up, that being said having someway to retract the update may be a feature that somehow should be added and help us to a way way to change back.

Thanks for all you do.

Thank you Mostafa,

No problem. You did not hurt my feelings in any way. I just wanted to state that these problems could be avoided if we get feedback from the Beta versions.

There are enough ways to copy the installed application, but this is not a topic for our forum.
Since this is not entirely correct …
But you will always have a rainy day copy.