Usb-serial not connection on android

The essence of the problem is that every time I use the RDCan protocol and the serial port, my arduino nano device does not connect to RealDash, or rather, with luck, it can connect, but after changing the device I can’t connect again. At what on Win10 this device works without problems. I am using Android 7 (N)

What Android device is this? Please note that USB-Serial communications rarely work on Windows based Android simulators.

I figured it was a bad HUB
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Although not. The problem is repeated. Again and again. The point is that if I use a new example for the Arduino RealDashCan 2, then it does not work on Android, but it works on Win 10.
But if I download an old example for Arduino, this is where there is no “memcpy”, then this example starts working on android and Win 10 …
Can you take a look?

I do not use emulators. Standalone device -android standalone -win 10

Could you be using non-arduino device that has big endian processor?

For example?

Stm? Esp 32?

I quote one article about a sequence of bytes…

It is unfortunate that a universal byte ordering system was not created at the beginning of the digital age. I don’t even want to know how many collective hours of human life were devoted to solving problems caused by not matching byte order.

In any case, we cannot change the past, and we are also unlikely to be able to convince every company that manufactures semiconductor technology and software to revise its production lines to achieve a single universal byte order. What we can do is to achieve consistency in our own projects and provide clear documentation if there is a possibility of a conflict between the two components of the system.

So! Now we clearly know that RealDash uses direct byte transfer, or as it is also called - the network data transfer order …
And using arduino, which uses a non-direct (reverse) byte order, is not quite the right approach.

And we learn about this only now)))) after so many years of crutches and correspondence))))
Well … For me this is a very good lesson in terms of self-development!
Then I will take all my projects to a new level. Apparently the time has come)))
But still? Which controller do you recommend as more suitable for communicating with RealDash?

But I can still try my luck, and use the Internet shield for nano, thereby I can transfer data over a network protocol without violating the order of Big-endianess? Right?
Or change the controller?
Which compound is better? More stable? Faster?
Network or USB?

Give an example of a big - endianess controller?

So you speak for android? Or for what?

Totally confused? How furious this translator is!

Another point surprises me. My android tv box is an x86 architecture that essentially works with memory in little -endianess order.
Arduino also conveys information like little endianess.
It turns out these devices must fully understand each other. And there should not be conflicts. Isn’t it easier then to make RealDash flexible with the ability to choose byte order?

Hurrah. I figured it out. Arduino is not a problem.
Everything worked. With direct byte order))))