
Hi Yani,

Hope things are going well, I know I promised you I will send you a personal email several weeks ago but got so busy with regular works and volunteer work so just decided to post here.

Few months ago at the peak of convid19 I volunteered to work on a Ventilator project, I used my hardware design and used your dash UI for controls and setting, RealDash would have been overloaded by downloads, but fortunately things turned around in US and the need for Ventilator slowed down and hopefully it will stay that way.
Below is link to YouTube, this works was down almost two months ago, also some images for my car and dashes and controls.

P.S. picture not so great due to download size limitation of 500k ro so. but ok.

Looks great, good job!

Here is link to article about it;

Some if the things he has done are pretty interesting. Look at the lungs, they fill and retract dynamically based on measured flow rate and pressure. Addtionally, notice the real time graphs based on measured values. His button interface is pretty nice as well…

Really cool project, congrats!