Version 16.2 bug

What happened to be able to click on items in edit mode for modification?

Also the font/text for Button level ( normal/warning/critical) do not seem to work, one text for all!

any update???

Forum is not good if there is not support!

Maybe the functionality of the app is so massive, that it’s not the most important point to fix this within 3 days….? :wink:

Kind regards,


Sorry for the delay, I have been busy on projects.

What happened to be able to click on items in edit mode for modification?

I don’t understand what you mean. Please be more specific.

Also the font/text for Button level ( normal/warning/critical) do not seem to work, one text for all!

Noticed, will be fixed for 1.6.3.

thanks for posting ack, I was on vacations so late response from my aslo.

In 16.0 version when in edit mode I could select items to edit by clicking on then, on these new versions I can not do that any more, the only way to select them now is knowing their name and find then in the left hand side menu items.

Hope that makes sense.


Please check Settings->Application->5th page if “Allow Select from Dashboard” setting is active.

Thanks Much, I will try that.