Vertical Layout

Hi, I’m wondering if you are able to have an option for a vertical layout of gauge clusters. I’m wanting to use this app on my setup which consists of a SBC running android on a vertically mounted touch screen. The horizontal layout does not work for me due to the size of the display I’m wanting to use and design constraints on the placement in my 1967 Mustang. Think Tesla Model S center console, although with not quite as big of a screen. Thanks!

Would you use a default dashboard (like the ones you can get from the store) or your own creation?
If a default one I am guessing (as a user) that it will not be easy since all the designs are proportion based, but if it is your own dashboard with your design than just roll everything 90º.
You can even have (like I do) a two-page dashboard with exactly the same info one being in normal 16:9 and the other with a 90º rotation in the format 9:16 so that you can easily change between screens like tablet and phone or whatever you are using.
Of course this is just a guess since I have no idea of what dashboard & specs you have :slight_smile: