Video Gauge freezes when switching the dash page

Hi, I’m having an issue with the video gauges, when I switch pages in my dashboard the video pauses automatically and the app sometimes crashes or freezes, it only gets to work again when I open a tab and then close it, In my first page I’ve 4 videos and in the second page I’ve 3 videos, each video is 1 Mb in size approx, the issue disappears when I’ve just 5 or fewer videos in total, is there any way to solve it? thanks in advance.

Send me your dashboard- and video files and I will check. Send to:

With a quick look there are issues in both, your dashboard and RealDash.

Currently your dashboard is set up to have 7 FullHD videos of which 4 are playing at the same time. It is just too much for a normal Android device to play 4 FullHD videos and RealDash graphics/input systems at the same time.

But also, RealDash seems to have a bug that as you are triggering ‘Play Video’ action for 4 videos 60 times per second even when videos are already playing, RealDash attempts to do some video initialization on every call to Play. This makes the problem on your dashboard even worse.

While I fix the ‘Play while Playing’ bugs, you need to rethink of how you use the triggers to control video playback. Current brute force approach works with one or two videos, but as you have so many playing at the same time you need to use finer control.

For example, use the ‘Reset Condition’ or ‘Cooldown Time’ on your triggers to prevent hitting the video players every frame.

Thanks! I’ll do that, currently, I’m working with just one page and 5 videos, and it works really well. the issue comes when I add a 6th video the app just stops working, but as you said I will try to use the reset condition or cooldown time