What a fantastic App

Praise & “Criticism”

Hello to all Dashers, RealDash is really colossal - hats off to the developers. At first I thought I had to have my own app developed for my round touch displays. No, RealDash really covers everything you want to implement. It also worked straight away with my Elm OBD2. Unfortunately, editing and creating an interface is so extensive that it overwhelms me. I don’t know where to start :wink: I haven’t found any sensible how-to online to derive a proper procedure from it. Maybe I have a knot in my head at the moment - I absolutely have to get my project done. This will be a BMW Mini Cooper Community Project with high demand and xxx users. Are there any tips on how I should start?

Really ??? the app is completely disconnected across platforms, and Dashed do not work on Android 12.3 inches…at least full screen like Torque or any of the others do…and NO support via email or this board.

maybe…cant proof that. Shouldn`t it be possible to resize a gauge via editor? If you have pro version…

REALDASH is an application that needs to be learned, the possibilities are very deep, you can drown quickly :slight_smile: Design requires patience. I have just finished turning my air conditioner into a digital one that is controlled from REALDASH


That’s great, air conditioner….whatever.
Account does not sync either ……is there anybody working at this company ?

Yes, there is 4 people working on this company. Two people working mostly on RealDash.

I do not recall you asking for help, is this the first time? I try to have 24h response time here in the forums, but sometimes I’m just too busy, or traveling for custom projects.

I agree, RealDash is not for everyone. It requires concentration and patience to get started. Also, it has bugs as RealDash has grown a lot and small team is trying its best. Sometimes (manytimes) users will be unfortunate testers of the software. But to my opinion, that’s how it is for all software.

It seems like you and RealDash are not a good match. We are happy to refund any of your purchases. For refunds, contact us: contact@realdash.net

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I would love some more in depth video on dashboard creation. Like a more advanced videos I would love to be able to create more advanced dashboards.


As far as I know there isn’t much material, you learn the application yourself, try to edit just a theme and check how each indicator works and of course a graphics software to create something of your own

Right :+1: it would be much easier to follow a step by step video ( simple gauge and some comments for other possibilities )
At moment i have no clue how the “build tree” should look like. I only know how capable RealDash is :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Honestly, it’s not that hard. If you have a use for Realdash, you will quickly learn what is needed and probably enjoy learning that.

There cannot be a video to cover everyones use case, just editiing the dashboard itself is quite intuitive.

It’s a hobbyist app, if you have an application with “high demand and xxx users” then pay them to do what you need.

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I understand that and agree 100%. There are some ideas/circumstances why we have not created tutorial videos for editing dashboards:

  • Target Audience: RealDash has never been designed to be “simple to use”, nor we aim RealDash to be mainstream app. Our guideline is that we must be able to ‘do anything’ with RealDash. That principle introduces complexity by itself.

  • Fast new features: We take pride of the fact that we are able to push relatively fast updates for such a complicated software. This has a downside though, any documentation or video will outdate very quickly.

  • Small team: Making videos that do more good than harm takes a long time.

I agree, the app is fantastic & you are right about lerning to build a dash. :sweat_smile: at the moment i am fiddling with Android Boards or used phones as hardware. So i am not concentrate on Dash building. I know this app can handle my needs - first i thought i give it to app Developers on Fiverr building me an app :laughing:
I thought OK, for every app there are how to’s in YouTube…but not :see_no_evil:
You are right, i would pay someone building me a round Layout :person_shrugging:t2:

Thanks for answering I want to clear the air here, you’re doing a fantastic job. I was hoping to find instructions on YouTube for everything else.

I am currently busy providing the required hardware. My first attempts at editing good dash themes made it clear to me that I first had to understand how to logically place the layers on top of each other so that I could swipe through them. I then only have a rubbish surface available and store all the contents on it. If you know that, you just need time to make the look nice.

Thank you, appreciated :grinning: