Wide Screen "Polygonal" Dashboard [design]

Hello there!
After a few tutos and wandering around the RD, I have decided to give my first dashboard creation a try, hope I will be ready for that show in France!
My needs are quite specific to the vehicle I am re building and “moding”!
After adding a Spitronics EFI the MB CE230 it was time to think about the interior design! I went with a polygonal shape, that will echo from the front bumper, through the interior vents, the Dashbord of course to the RIMs! It’s a very time consuming project because I am learning all on the go! So thought I would share with you a first sneak pic of the dash, since I am still learning the animations, they will be added once all graphics are done! Hope you like the first sketch, it’s a work in progress!


By the way is there any way to reduce live stream video lag! I was making a little test for my video gauges and here is what I did! Since USB cams do not “work” with Android, I’m using a AHD camera to which I have connected a coaxial to Ethernet converter, then In RD I just select the IP “et voila”. But there is about a 200ms lag. My first guest was the hardware I use, but then tried it outside of RD and seemed to be pretty snappy! Any thoughts on the matter? :thinking:

Sport Mode

I believe this lag is due the Android player caching the data. Next release will use an updated ExoPlayer to play video, it may offer somewhat better performance on some cases.

Ok thanks for the news, now since the main board I use can run multiple OSs, which Os is the “best” or offers the most flexibility for RD?!

Android typically gives overall best performance, especially on Graphics output. Linux version has more extensibility via ability to launch terminal commands from RD, and of course generic tweakability of the OS.

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Ok thank you very much. I will give Linux a try just to have a taste of it! :ok_hand:t5:

I do have a few questions, if you do not mind regarding animations! I went through the process and analysed the animation xml files! To my understanding in the case of a “slide” animation we have a starting coordinate and a ending coordinate, during which we can chose how ever the transition happens, right? So once I have exported all my png files, I should place them exactly where they should be (final look), ending coordinate. Then from there chose where ever I would like it to start, and chose the animation style, duration, etc…!? Thanks in advance

Animations in animation XML has start and end attributes. end attribute is required but start is optional. If start is not specified, animation starts from wherever gauge happens to be at that point.

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Ok I get it, thank you!

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