Willing to pay someone to help me write arduino code

I need a code that can receive commands from REALDASH without anything to do with the parameters of the engine, just the addition of some buttons in the interface that will perform actions through Arduino

Here is an example:

I went through it 10 times and I couldn’t even turn on the LED light. The explanations there mostly refer to working with an Arduino as an OBD adapter

Please do not share mis-information. Arduino has never been used as an OBD adapter in any of our examples, nor in any discussions on this forum.

I loaded all the codes and the interface provided in the example, everything works great. Question with I connect an LED to pin 12 and press TOGGLE which is connected to pin 12 the LED should light up or am I wrong

Well, I finally succeeded. I control the air conditioner from REALDASH. A lot of code and a lot of effort. It included 3 servo motors, 2 temperature sensors and a PWM controller for the blower.

Alright, good job! Next project will be much easier.