Zoom level

I’ve found that editing a dash on Windows, when moving it to android again everything is a bit smaller.

Zoom at 1.74 is not enough to restore the original size.

Could the zoom be unlocked so zoom can be set to whatever you want?

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See this on FAQ:


Oh, i see…

If i edit in Linux VM forced to my target resolution i wont get any issues like that?

You can resize the window in Windows version too.

Please if not hard - add zoom in editor for greate more good content

Zoom slider while editing does not make sense to me. If you want to zoom all gauges uniformly, use Ctrl+8 and Ctrl+9, or context menu ‘Page->Scale All Up’ and ‘Page->Scale All Down’

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yes - it is work. but zoom need only for edit - if not forget please made zoom bar in editor
best regards