I have some information for my car to add some further connections that currently don’t work out of the box on RealDash such as tyre pressures and rear diff temp etc. how do I get this information into RealDash and get that to work?
So for example I have these here;
Name, “ShortName”, “ModeAndPID”, “Equation”, “Min Value”, “Max Value”, “Units”, “Header”, “startDiagnostic”, “stopDiagnostic”, “scale”,“minimumRefreshDelayMillis”
Temperature Sensor Value in Coupling,“Coupling Temp”,“0x221026”,“(A*256+B)/128”,-20,100,“°C”,“7B1”,“”,“”,1,0
Transmission Temperature(Method 3),“Trans”,“0x0105”,“A-40”,0,200,“°C”,“TCM”,“”,“”,1,0
Tire ID 1 Pressure,“Tire ID1 Press”,“0x221005”,“B * 0.01433”,0,10,“bar”,“750”,“atcea2A\natta2A”,“atcea”,1,0
Tire ID 1 Temperature,“Tire ID1 Temp”,“0x221004”,“A-40”,-30,100,“°C”,“750”,“atcea2a\natta2a”,“atcea”,1,0
Thanks for any help you can give