Custom/extra inputs within realdash

I have some information for my car to add some further connections that currently don’t work out of the box on RealDash such as tyre pressures and rear diff temp etc. how do I get this information into RealDash and get that to work?
So for example I have these here;

Name, “ShortName”, “ModeAndPID”, “Equation”, “Min Value”, “Max Value”, “Units”, “Header”, “startDiagnostic”, “stopDiagnostic”, “scale”,“minimumRefreshDelayMillis”

Temperature Sensor Value in Coupling,“Coupling Temp”,“0x221026”,“(A*256+B)/128”,-20,100,“°C”,“7B1”,“”,“”,1,0

Transmission Temperature(Method 3),“Trans”,“0x0105”,“A-40”,0,200,“°C”,“TCM”,“”,“”,1,0

Tire ID 1 Pressure,“Tire ID1 Press”,“0x221005”,“B * 0.01433”,0,10,“bar”,“750”,“atcea2A\natta2A”,“atcea”,1,0

Tire ID 1 Temperature,“Tire ID1 Temp”,“0x221004”,“A-40”,-30,100,“°C”,“750”,“atcea2a\natta2a”,“atcea”,1,0

Thanks for any help you can give

You would have to create an XML file and map the inputs.

You would also need to know the PIDS for such like tire pressure. If not then it won’t work.

Tire pressure for example, can’t be read through OBD2 and you won’t have to pull data via canbus.

Ok thanks, I’ll have to look into how to edit and create an xml file as that’s new to me as well.

I have the PIDs for the bits I want so that’s ok.

How would I get the tyre pressures to work then if you know?

I only use OBD2 so I can’t tell you I’m 100% accurate.

I believe if you can “decode” the data from canbus you can also pull stuff like tire pressure and door ajar.

Ok that’s great thanks so with obd2 then how would I add in for example the ‘temperature sensor in coupling’ value I have put in the original post?

This is the values I have for it
Temperature Sensor Value in Coupling,“Coupling Temp”,“0x221026”,“(A*256+B)/128”,-20,100,“°C”,“7B1”,“”,“”,1,0

Now we have two options:

Try to find a DBC file for 2007 Dodge Charger. The DBC file can be converted to RealDash XML. If you find the DBC, send it to me and I can help you to make the XML file.
If DBC (or other CAN info about the vehicle) is not available, you would need to analyse the data in CAN monitor in order to figure out how certain info like RPM etc are packed into the CAN frames. This is doable, but can be very slow and tedious process.*

This was from another post. Also I think you’d have to check the link I sent to learn to how to create custom inputs. I wouldn’t have the knowledge tho to guide you through it myself.

Sorry what’s the second option? Also it would just be obd2 values I want as I don’t want to do anything with CAN really

Obd2 should show data correctly then. You’ll still need a custom XML for the senses you mentioned before to map them correctly.

Ok perfect that’s what I’m looking to do so I need to look for that dodge charger file do I?

No, technically you’d need to find the file for your car.

I can’t give you the specifics and I don’t work with canbus XML files. The link I shared earlier would be what you should read into if you already got the input information.

That way you can create a custom XML to map them accordingly.

I have the standard xml file that runs within RealDash at the moment and works on my car absolutely fine, I just now need to edit that and add in this information to get this sensor from the car but I’m not sure how to do it. I have put the description line in and then the value I want to put into the xml file. How would I go about doing it? I have found the RealDash standard file here RealDash-extras/OBD2/ at master · janimm/RealDash-extras · GitHub

Name, “ShortName”, “ModeAndPID”, “Equation”, “Min Value”, “Max Value”, “Units”, “Header”, “startDiagnostic”, “stopDiagnostic”, “scale”,“minimumRefreshDelayMillis”

Temperature Sensor Value in Coupling,“Coupling Temp”,“0x221026”,“(A*256+B)/128”,-20,100,“°C”,“7B1”,“”,“”,1,0

Equivalent in RealDash XML would be:

<command send="221026" header="atsh7b1" name="Coupling Temp" conversion="(B0*256+B1)/128"></command>
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Thanks so much and please excuse my ignorance, how would I get that into the standard xml file already on RealDash? I can see that in most others there have things like “skip count” and “target id” does that not matter for this one? And where would I put that in the file to make it work? The “init” or “rotation” section?
Again thanks so much for your help.

  • This would be a line in “rotation” section.
  • “targetId” would map this request to existing RealDash input, see list here RealDash | Manuals | Target Identifiers
  • “name” can be used instead of “targetId” to create new custom input.
  • “skipCount”: Number of times to skip sending this command. This value can be used to request a certain values less frequently and therefore get more time critical data faster. For example, using 5 as skipCount would send the command and later skip sending the command 5 times before sending it again. For some values like ambient temperature skipCount can be relatively large value, like 60. Default value is 0.
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Thanks for this and I have put it into the XML file and exported it and loaded it into RealDash but now nothing seems to work now. This is the file I have loaded into RealDash for reference. You will see my addition at the end of the rotation section. Again I am so grateful for any help you can give.

Can’t see your XML file.

You should be able to attach an XML file to your post.

Can you see the file ok now?

XML file itself seems to be ok. Please send a debug log:

How to send a debug log - General / Frequently Asked Questions - RealDash Forum

Hi I have just sent a debug file over it should have come through at 19:54 gmt on Wednesday 8th January