Custom Mapping Import / Export

please consider the question so that you can save the custom mapping settings to a file in order to transfer the settings from the developer’s computer to the client’s dashboard. (with config xml as example or other)

I optimized the global triggers as much as possible, the triggers in the skin are busy with animation, and now the projects are very large and too much code is being created for different sensors.

The input mapping and global triggers and actions should import/export with Garage settings XML file.

thank you very much for your work, I must have missed the update. I will test it soon.

this custom mapping not expsport , same as more old app RealDash

Alright, I did not understand that you meant this screen. I will take a look if we could export those with Garage settings.

This will be implemented in 2.4.0.

Thank you, I’m really looking forward to this feature

i test - custom maping not export or not inport in file version 2.4.0

Seems to work here. You should see a section ‘adaptedValues’ in exported settings XML. Something like this:

      <adaptedValue id="770" mode="0" mul="1.000000000000000" offset="0.000000000000000" displayText="DashBox: Analog Input 5" point0="0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000" point1="5.000000000000000,100.000000000000000"></adaptedValue>
      <adaptedValue id="771" mode="0" mul="1.000000000000000" offset="0.000000000000000" displayText="DashBox: Analog Input 6" point0="0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000" point1="5.000000000000000,100.000000000000000"></adaptedValue>
      <adaptedValue id="1614826160" mode="0" mul="1.000000000000000" offset="0.000000000000000" displayText="Laptime (sec)" point0="0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000" point1="28.571441650390625,68.790847778320313" point2="100.000000000000000,100.000000000000000"></adaptedValue>

One thing to note is that if you are importing garage settings that contain custom mapping for ECU Specific inputs, inputs must be imported first from XML file. Otherwise values are not found when garage settings are imported.

I think I understood, first the decryption file and then the configuration file, if necessary, repeat the decryption file.

i will test again

and 100% work. thanks

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I ask you to add 10 intermediate points in the next version, there are cases that are not enough now

10 points is not enough, need 20?

Yes- please made 20 pcs point

Alright, will do for next release.

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Im wanting to add small tune to my 99 Acura TL with J32A1 engine im having heavy foot pedal added cold ram air intake its diy custom any small air fuel map input you can help with car is running slow untill Vtec opens up

We do not offer any tuning for the vehicles.

please tell me where the data is stored in the file system? i try erase this file/
at the moment, the only thing that saves me is assigning new user variables

I found a bug where it may be that Custom Mapping is off, but Custom mapping continues to work.
if you press the button again, it is like double calibration according to the old table invisible to the user and the new one.

it also seems wrong to me if you click the button, then the Custom mapping table disappears. if you then turn it on again.

Alright, will investigate

win verdion RD 242

if try export settings from Garage - RD fall
if try upload in my RealDash - not uploads

Thank you for reporting, will check.