Ford Focus C-Max connection

hy guys can someone tell me how do i connect my odb2 whit HS / MS switch ?
i cant find anything about it!!
pls some help!!

Welcome to the forum. I do not know what the HS/MS switch is, sorry.

hello my friend, your photo is benefiting from your use. If you want to use it for forscan, there is an automatic translation process, please tell me and I will share it.

Hi thx for the reply, i have already the elm327 whit switch the problem is i cant connect it i dont know what to select, to have a connection .

Odb or can /lin?

Looks like an adapter that may/may not work. If you want to connect it as a ELM327 compatible adapter, follow these instructions:

How to connect, USB serial - Connectivity / OBD2 - RealDash Forum

You are the best!! it works !
i think the problem was the baud rate i set it to 38400 baud and now works!

now im sure i did the right thing to buy full version!!!

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