Golf mk2 realdash and dashbox

HI all!
i am running link ecu on my car and now i will fit a tablet with realdash.

My idea is to use dashbox lite from sp leinonen, connecting link ecu to dashbox by can, and dashbox to tablet by bluetooth.

To Dasbox i will connect high and low beams, turn signals, oil pressure switch, battery light, outside temperature, fuel level and if possible mfa (oem dashboard computer switch) .

My question is if it is possible to have a good fuel level signal connecting tank level sender directly to dashbox or if i will need to make an electonic circuit for it.

I have read that if i connect them directly, readings will be random when car is moving so it is needed a circuit for filtering signal.

if it is needed how could be made that circuit?

To compensate the hard fluctuation fuel level sender I’m using the ramp circuit as:

I think it helps me and you can try

Current RealDash version allows for non-linear mapping of the inputs and has some special smoothing for the Fuel Level input, so the fuel level fluctuation while driving should not be an issue anymore.

To which ID should the fuel level data be sent to be smoothed? ID = 170? ID = 201?
And as far as I understand, nonlinear scaling is available only for the “VALUE NAME” specific data?
Is it possible somehow to do non-linear scaling for ID = 170, 201?

Thanks a lot guys! next week i think will start with dashbox wiring, ON the other hand i need an ouput for exiciting alternator, the easy way will be using a led between the 12v and alternator, but will be cool could use realdash and dashbox

What is 201? ( RealDash | Manuals | Target Identifiers )

The special smoothing is always applied to Body Electronics->Fuel Level (170), so when you use input mapping to map your custom value to that, it is always properly smoothed.