Linux version info and install instructions

I don’t know anything about Lintian and the ‘known_vendors’ thing really, but these links might provide some useful info:

The Lintian man page might have some relevant info too.

Also, I’d check the mentioned lines in, and try to figure out what it’s trying to do…

Hello, I’m trying to get realdash running on a raspberry pi that is running a basic Yocto OS image. The yocto image is essentially the core image with xfce desktop running. I created a realdash recipe to include all the dependencies listed above, but Yocto doesn’t pull from pre-build apt repos. It builds everything from scratch using the versions available in the given Yocto release (I’m using their Nanbield release right now)

Once I fine tuned the dependencies, I no longer get any faults about missing .so files. But now it flashes a window on the screen for a split second and crashes. I have more log files showing what libs are in /usr/lib, etc, but I’m not sure how to attach that here.

Below is the output when I run “valgrind realdash”. Seems that it’s crashing at the XOpenDisplay() and XFlush() function calls?

I’m guessing the versions of the various libraries are slightly different than the ones you’ve tested against. Any suggestions on how I could debug this further?


Hi guys
The best version of Linux for a install RD
Is debian bullseye last release

know of a way to enable autorun at login for bullseye? thanks for any help

Hey mate, sounds like youre having some suscess with linux setup.
Could i trouble you for any advice on running a quick boot linux setup on Rpi4 ?
looking for a faster boot and mainly just opening realdash in fullscreen on boot and not maximized but still in window.

Thanks for ny help, Jim


I don’t have an RPI4 setup to run realdash on. Are you using Raspberry Pi OS? I have based my installs on a very stripped down Debian os that just boots to a wayland shell and starts realdash. Everything else is configured through ssh. Are you familiar with linux?

If you run the command systemd-analyze blame and systemd-analyze crtitical-chain in a terminal the results will tell you what processes are taking the longest in the linux boot process. I have found that disabling the network auto ip assignments and setting static ip address reduces the boot times significantly.

Hi mate,
Firstly thank you for the reply. Im not running the original Pi OS, Im running the lite version of Debian Bullseye With Lxte graphical interface. Install is about 0.8gb. The image is on Raspberry Pi imager under custom OS packages.

I wasnt aware you could boot Realdash from a shell? thats cool ! I thought you had to run if from graphical interface. Can i ask how long your Debian & weyland takes from power up to real dash loading?
I would like to be able to boot from shell and strait into fullscreen realdash :slight_smile:


I can’t comment on the boot times on a Raspberry Pi device as I have moved away from using them. One thing I remember about the Pi devices is that they use a binary blob boot loader that was difficult to customize.

I am not technically starting Realdash from a command prompt, but starting the weston composter which is built on wayland (xwindows replacement) and weston is auto launching realdash.

You may want to look at running the latest pi image as my understanding is it has wayland built in and may other improvements. You can check this out:

As far as boot times that is going to very dependent on which style small board computer, operating system, and how stripped down you want to make it.

My current project a x86_64 Gmktek ultra mini pc will boot realdash in about 2 seconds after the bios initialization splash screen. The bios initialization takes longer than anything else and is the limiting factor. Obviously, it costs more than a raspbery pi 4 about 139 us dollars but was worth it for my application.

I wonder if I should post a youtube video or something to explain it. If you’re interested in that it would take me a week or so as I am pretty busy at work currently.


Once again thanks for your time.

Ahh okay, weyland sounds like it might make it a bit easier for me to customize the gui in linux. or give fullscreen commands for the terminal window :slight_smile:

Ill look into that distro and try and boot it up tonight, Any tips for installing Realdash and getting weston to autostaurt on login?

Thanks for the help!


I can’t really recommend anything specific on the raspberry pi side. I would visit the raspberry pi forums and search on how to use the raspi-config tool to setup a static ip, enable command line boot and auto login. That will only get you to blinking cursor.

Next I would search on how to install the weston composter on the version of rasperry pi os you installed. After weston is installed confirm the ui loads when weston is typed on the command line after auto login.

After that works search on how to use your ~./bash_profile to auto launch weston. Once you can power up the pi and auto get to the weston ui then you need to search on how to use the weston.ini file to auto start realdash.


Sounds like a good starting point, thanks for the pointers. i will look into weston :slightly_smiling_face:

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At RPI 5 the boot time for me. (From when I press the button until I see the RealDash GUI) Approximately 12 seconds
Of course, I don’t use any graphical interface. Just boot RD from shell