Project "LCD E-cluster" in progress

I can’t solve it … and I don’t consider it a problem either. why do you need more than 40 fps?
it only matters in the case of large animation. but I myself gave up on too big animation. and a small one is enough and 30-40 fps.

This fine… Tnx. Will test now.

How did you make that?


I completely forgot to take a look at this, sorry :frowning:
I will push 1.8.9-beta1 soon, which may have an improvement for this.

I’m ready to test … :smiley:

12 scales. It seems to be better than it was)))

well, it’s not difficult when you know what to do.

Hello. This my project. I’m 2 year was political prison and forget login-password MaxFalk.
But, I’m free again… )))
This project will be resume.
But I want develop new 2-way CAN-board on Atmel AT90CAN-128 chip.

welcome back , I saw your project over 1 year ago in youtube
really excited about the resumption of the project.
good luck and keep us updated.

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Maybe i can help to all

i made full CAN XML and develop specal MCU for Mitsubishi OutLandex XL and other
Skin / PinOut / XML

but i freze develop 3d modeling - may be anybody can help me


any update on the volvo one? I just thought about doing this to my s60 since my stock one is jacked up haha

what year xc90 were you working on?

what modelling do you need? I do 3d modelling for my day job with arch viz so i can help if you still need

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Big thanks // but i in final test now. i can send to you model free

foto in progress


Hi from Mexico, im trying to catch up with this treath but im a little lost, the MCU-5 is a private product on sale? or there is another alternative to get all the data from CAN on a LancerX and use it in Real dash?

yes, you can buy it on my website

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I need some help taking analog signal to put into real dash please, I am developing my own lcd cluster.

Data from custom devices is typically sent to RealDash with RealDashCAN protocol. See documentation here:

RealDash-extras/RealDash-CAN at master · janimm/RealDash-extras (

Hoping Falcon_S can help me, I know next to nothing about coding or canbus but I have the hardware side of my project basically done

Hi Falcon_S. I am trying to develop my own lcd cluster for an old Australian car that does not have CANBUS. Need a lot of help though, I have the hardware side mostly done.

Plase wait one week - i finish develop new universal canbus

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