Supported ODB2 Devices

Hi RealDash,

I have tried several ODB2 bluetooth devices like ELM327, BlueDriver, Vgate… and they have different results like connection or latency issue. I have read the ELM support may vary but I am wondering if you have some recommended devices for us which is good fit to RealDash? Why i choose ODB2 is just simply plug & play without difficulties :slight_smile:

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In development we use almost exclusively the adapters from OBDLink

They are very high quality and reliable adapters. I have been using the same MX Bluetooth adapter on my car for 3 years without ever taking it out from the car. And this includes very cold Finnish climate.

In contrast, the cheap clone adapters usually last about 3 months and then start acting up. Once I bought a plastic bag full of $4 clone adapters, 4/10 of them worked at all and rest of them failed after a few months.

If you are serious about this, get a high quality adapter.

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Thanks for that, i just bought one from Amazon and can’t wait to try that with RealDash :wink:


I just got the OBDLink MX+ and tried the OBDLink App is work but Realdash is not connecting the OBDLink MX+.

Here is my steps:

  1. Reinstall Realdash
  2. Plug the OBDLink MX+ to Vehicle
  3. Start Engine
  4. Pair iPhone to OBDLink MX+ via Bluetooth
  5. Open Realdash
  6. Follow instruction from

I have waited over a minute but RealDash didn’t have any notification, any clues or additional instruction?

Great thanks! :stuck_out_tongue:

Allright, never tried this adapter on iOS, as we use and develop everything on Android. I will take a look.

I do know when I used to use my iPhone with obd2, it required the wifi version, not the Bluetooth one. No clue if that is still the case, as that was about 5 years ago and I’ve sense moved to Android for my dash.

You also might want to try the device with other programs to see if you can get any information from it.

It seems like MX+ is a Apple MFI certified Bluetooth device. I do have contacts on OBDSolutions, I will try to make this work on next release of RealDash.

Look forward to the updates! :smiley:

I did get contact with OBDSolutions and iOS support for MX+ adapter is coming. Unfortunately we are unable to push it to next release since OBDSolutions need to whitelist RealDash first on Apple’s systems.

Keep look forward to your updates! :nerd:

I also have the OBDlink MX+ running on Android with an Odroid c2 and this bluetooth adapter…

I am having the same issue. The MX+ is connected to my device but REALDASH will not connect…

any suggestions??

Hi Realdash,

I found that iOS app v1.6.5 is work now, great thanks! :smiley:

Due to not have been able to connect to RealDash with the OBD2 adapter I have tried yet, I am about to hit a purchase on a OBDLink MX scanner for iOS. Not sure which one of them I will go for yet.
In that matter; Would you recommend WiFi connection rather than Bluetooth - BT over WiFi? Or does that really matter at all?
Thank you in advance for your suggestion :slight_smile:

With OBD2 I recommend Bluetooth. With Bluetooth adapter you free the WiFi to other uses. Also, with OBD2, Bluetooth transfer speed is not an issue since slowest point is always the vehicle anyways.

Good points!
Thank you for the advice! :slight_smile:

Hi I’m looking for an obd dongle in the UK any recommendations on one at a reasonable price I do already have a dongle for topdon that I use with my phoenixpro could this work? Useing on android screen

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Currently we recommend OBD2 adapters from OBDLink:

What Adapter shoud I use? - Connectivity / OBD2 - RealDash Forum

They are tricky to get in the UK as they all come from the USA so import tax is a killer looking at £200+

Any high quality ELM327 adapter ‘should’ work, we just don’t have resources to test them all.

What is the data update rate/s on OBDLink MX+? I have a cheap Chinese ELM327 averaging around 20-23 data updates rate/s. Is this okey or not? Looks like Obdlink mx+ sounds too expensive for me :disappointed:

And one more thing, can the genuine bluetooth adapters read CAN bus for faster data refresh rate?

Many thanks :+1: