Working with multiple CAN buses and Full version for end users

I’m working on a vehicle that has two can buses, one for the battery and one for the motors and we need to be able to control both from one interface.

Currently I’m using a Bluetooth OBDLink MX+ for the battery and a USB OBDLink SX for the motors, I was hoping I could use two of the USB devices, but having them both connected causes neither to connect, I’m not sure if this is an issue with the head unit I’m using or what, maybe someone has a better solution for monitoring multiple buses? Maybe there’s a single USB device the can monitor multiple CAN buses?

The other issue I’m working on is that these trucks we’re building are for clients and we want to be able to set them up with the full version before shipping, is it possible to install the full version without a google account, or some other whitebox process?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I should probably add that this is on an Android head unit.

I think MeatPi is offering Dual Channel CAN adapters that work with RealDash?

That’s excellent, thank you! I just looked those up and ordered some in! Hopefully those will work better than the current setup, it’s quite unreliable the way that it is.

I have found MeatPi customer support to be fantastic. They do have a Discord server that they offer support on as well. It is better than waiting on an email reply.

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There’s also the question of whiteboxing, we are a custom vehicle manufacturer and we’re looking at using RealDash as our customer-facing dash, so we’d like a way to install it on our head units and have it a little more locked down so that the customer can’t accidentally wreck their dash by clicking the wrong thing haha, is there a way to do that? Should I open a new thread for that?

I think they mentioned in another thread that they can’t as they don’t follow regulations or something along that.

“The public version of RealDash is not meant to be a cluster replacement, and we do not guarantee any compliance with regulations on any country.”

This was a dev response a few days ago on a locked odometer question post.

Thanks for that info! It doesn’t really apply to us though since we’re making off-road and out of country vehicles where those regulations don’t apply. I do note though that since you mention “Public version” specifically, that implies the existence of a private version, which sounds like what we may be after, any more info would be great!

Try checking this out.

Oh that’s fantastic, thank you! I will look into this and see if this will work for us!

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Check the CAN bus resistance… With Both connected, then one, then none
Only one USB device should be using termination resistance.

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I finally got my hands on a MeatPI to test with our trucks, but RealDash only shows connection options for WiFi/LAN or Bluetooth! How can I connect the device? Thanks!

Nevermind, it’s all clearly written in the documentation I didn’t read :man_facepalming:

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Can you only have 1 Vehicle can input into REALDASH CAN at one time? ive been talking to meatpi about their dual can. However, no one is sure if it will work with SWCAN/GMLAN 33kps bus plus a 500kps bus or not. Ive found some information there is a way around it. But havent confirmed. So id like to know my options before get stuck. Its vital that i have both as important information for a dashboard is located on both busses.

Possibly have 2 (maybe 3 to include LIN) separate devices running to RDCAN with 2 or 3 different connections. If that is possible, I should be good. If not what are my options finding a multiple can input device?

No, you can create as many connections as you want/need. Sometimes it makes sense to have multiple separate CAN/LIN buses, for example for fast/medium/slow connections.

can you have multiple connections using one device? Simultaneously?

No, it is not possible.

Well this changes everything. That makes my life easier hopefully. I was worried that it could only accept one. I’ve been trying to find a dual can reader. When I don’t need one this is great :smiley:


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