Introducing My RealDash

OK, so the sync works as expected now, doesn’t hang up the system.

However, from a cold boot, when launching RD with the network not present I’m getting either a black screen, or the error about premium dash not purchased and then unresponsive.

Ok, will check this scenario and build an update.

Do you get any specific error message on bottom right corner when this happens?

No specific error message no :confused:

If you can’t reproduce it, i’m happy to capture more info if i can.

This has been a tough one to find. The implementation in RD allows offline usage, and on my ‘pull the network cable’ tests that system is working correctly. This is one of those things that are difficult to reproduce.

Let me try couple of things first. If I can’t find the problem I could build you a special APK with all logging enabled.

ok, thanks.

For info, my setup is a PX5 based Android head unit, i believe it’s Android 8 based. It has a wired connection to a travel router with a 4G stick in it which takes a while to come online.

So it’s possible there is something with the network connection as such being up, but with no internet available.

I think we found the problem. New APK (195c) is now downloadable from MRD.

Let me know in case of any problems. Next we will add a MRD login option to 1.9.6, which will be available from the stores. The MRD only version will also be updated to version 1.9.6 at the same time.

Great, will try it soon :slight_smile:

Pleased to report all is good for me with this version, thank you.

Thank you for your help and reporting the problems. Much appreciated.

1.9.6 update is now available from My RealDash ‘Downloads’ section.

Very cool MRD.
How will the installation work on Linux, will it be installing the APK or another way?

We are yet to build the Linux version, but first one will be a deb installation package for x64.

Pi projects incoming :smiley:

  1. When starting on power and switching from settings to MyRD, a synchronization error appears or there is no network before restarting the application.

2.After restarting, the application freezes until it syncs with MyRD.

  1. MyRD does not adapt to the head unit screen 1024x600, 240dpi.


dub, are you using the latest APK? I had similar issues with the initial versions, but they fixed it (for my exact issue anyway) I’m also using a 1024x600 display and didn’t see any scaling issues so far.

This is only in MyRD’s personal account. The latest version.

Ok, thanks for reporting. Will investigate and fix.

This was a tough one, but I found the problem for the slowdowns on MRD file sync. Will be fixed in next release.

My RealDash users may want to try new Debian Linux package downloadable from My RealDash. It is still considered a beta, and only Debian x64 and i386 packages are available.

This is something to start experimenting on. Let me know what Linux architecture would you like to see next.